Understand what CTI means and how matches your business requirements
The first step you should take is analyze exactly what it is that you want to do. At this stage your focus needs to be on what you want from the integration, the functionality/features that suits your business, and then move to what technology might exist to help you. Remember you don't want to be paying for features that do not add value to your business
Form a team to own the project and agree requirements BEFORE approaching vendors
People across your organization are going to be challenged in some way to change the way they work. Involving those people in designing (and committing to) the changes helps to fight the ‘that’s how we’ve always done it’ mentality. You will find that user adoption will be more successful if they are involved in the planning process rather that have it bulldozed on top of them. Discuss business-level advantages that you can measure further into the project such as productivity, better customer satisfaction or cost savings.
Agree your budget with a realistic timeline (and resources)
Trying to push for a quick fix without appropriate planning will result in over-spends, loss of time and overall project failure. You are undertaking this project for a reason, normally because there is a problem that needs solving. Don’t allow yourselves (or the project team) to slip from the commitment to deliver a result – it gives the vendor excuses to under-deliver but equally just extends how long the existing problem is in place and will cost you money.
Research the market and speak to the CTI vendors you think might be a good fit
Be prepared to reject possible solutions if they aren’t ticking the boxes your requirements identified; anything above and beyond your requirements shouldn’t come at the expense of what you need. CTI requires a partner with proven success so ask for recommendations from your market . Ask for references that have a similar business, size or set up.
Ask for a trial to test the proposed solution and check your requirements are covered.
A vendor should be happy to support this because:
customer experience is a huge part of adopting new technology successfully and they will want to showcase how good their integration is and
A good trial makes a full-scale roll out easier. Let a vendor advise and guide you to a certain extent but get them to commit to achieving the outcomes you want on the timeline that suits you. Don’t choose a solution on price alone.
Train, Train and more Training
One sure thing, without a commitment from the outset to training, the project will fail.
Your chosen vendor should be happy to provide a comprehensive training program.
As said before, people don't like change . Involve them throughout and support them through any training they require. You embarked on this project to create a change for good, so it’s vital to do everything you can to enable them to use it successfully.
Look to the future when choosing a vendor.
Tease out with your vendor how the integration will evolve and their commitment to keep the solution compatible with possible changes for Dynamics 365 and/or your telephone platform. What is their development road map like? . Is your vendor focused or have many irons in the fire that could cause distraction and get left behind in the ever changing technology marketplace,
A carefully thought out CTI solution will contribute to your company’s success.
Dynamics Telephony's soul focus is Dynamics 365 integration which ensures that we are always ahead of the curve in terms of changes n Dynamics 365 or your telephone platform. Our development roadmap is primarily influenced by requests/feedback we get from our existing customers. Our customer's are best positioned to know what additional functionality will enhanced their business processes and make good financial sense.