Sales Call Accelerator adds outbound dialer capability to Dynamics 365 Sales for fast and easy customer calling, with automatic logging of the call, and any notes, in Dynamics 365 Sales PLUS easy setup of the follow-up call. Calls can be made from any phone, anywhere. So, your office phone your home phone, your mobile phone, a softphone running on your PC, etc. Calls can be made to any number in the world.
A link in the Dynamics 365 contact to the call recording system allows agents to listen back to previous conversations with individual contacts. Recording can be paused with a button press in Dynamics 365 at any time which may be used to facilitate the taking of credit card details for instance. In short, it results in more calls with less effort, and ensures follow-up calls are done.

For more information on Dynamics 365 Sales Call Accelerator contact Dynamics Telephony on: